StART Summer Performing Arts Programs
StART Young is a FREE, Summer Performing Arts program for Grades 3-6 and Grades 7-11.
We have three focus areas in our program: Acting, Music, and Dancing. Students learn from experts who will help with their performance skills. They’ll play fun games and meet new friends! At the end of each 2-week session there is a final performance written entirely by the students. This performance is free and open to the public.
Grades 3-6: Jul 11-Jul 22 @ 8am-2pm
Grades 7-11: Jul 25-Aug 5 @ 8am-2pm
StART Dreaming, completely FREE of cost and designed for high school seniors, begins with a four-week summer arts intensive program. Students receive instruction in acting, singing, writing, and dance, culminating in two final shows that are free and open to the public.
Jul 5-Jul 29 @ 12pm-5pm
StART Dreaming then follows students through their senior year (Sep-May), offering continued arts exposure, 1 to 1 mentoring for college applications, FAFSA and financial aid help, etc.
Mondays and Saturdays in Sep-Dec
Additional individual and ad-hoc sessions in Jan to May
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