Class Date: Saturday, December 9th
Time: 1:00 – 3:00pm
Venue: The Children’s Art Carnival
Max. Participants: 15
Register: CLICK HERE
This workshop will guide students through the process of Drypoint Plexi printing. Drypoint is a printmaking process in which a design is drawn on a plate with a sharp, pointed needle-like instrument. Drypoint Plexiglass (Plexi) is a thin bendy plastic that is designed specifically for drypoint. The needle is used to incise lines directly into the bare plastic printing plate, displacing ridges of plastic that adhere to the edges of the incised lines.
Mei-Tei-Sing Smith was born in Columbus, OH in 1952. She has lived and worked in New York since graduating from Howard University in Washington DC. Smith earned a Master’s Degree from Tufts University and an M.F.A. from the City University of New York. In addition to her artistic career, she has worked at The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York coordinating exhibitions. She has also taught at the New Jersey City University since 1997. She worked on a major commission project for the New York Transit Authority with Robert Blackburn. She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally at venues including the Wilmer Jennings Gallery, New York; Cabo Frio Arts Festival in Brazil; Syracuse University; and the Lemmerman Gallery in New Jersey.
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