Bridge Through the Storm/Un Puente en la Tormenta
Bridge Through the Storm /Un Puente en la Tormenta
with poetry entitled Time – El Tiempo
with poetry entitled Time – El Tiempo
The artist, Julia Justo writes:
In this time of exclusion and displacement, my work seeks to bring attention to histories at risk of erasure while envisioning a more tolerant, connected, interdependent future.
The poet, Elddry Castillo writes:
Time: …I am the strength of the ancestors, I am the vulnerability of the day, I am the shell of the invisible. I am you, and I am me…
El Tiempo:… Soy la Fortaleza de los ancestros, soy la vulnerabilidad del día, soy la Corteza de lo invisible. Soy tu y soy you…
You are cordially invited to the opening reception: Monday, August 7th, 2023 from 6:30 – 8 pm.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday,Friday 9:45am-4:45pm and by appointment.

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